Your search returned 1 stallions
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The stallion(s) listed below match your search criteria. The list is sorted alphabetically
by default. You may select a “sort by” option to reorder the search results. Or, add search
restrictions in the “refine your search” toolbar to the left—note that this feature
further filters your existing search rather than starting a new query. Clicking the
name of the stallion you wish to research will bring you to his feature page
(if made available by his standing farm) or his summary page with farm contact information
(for active stallions not subscribed to For users’ convenience,
clickable links to partner sites TrueNicks, Weatherbys, BlueBloods, and El Turf are also
provided when applicable. The Compare tool allows you to select up to three stallions
for a side-by-side evaluation. Once you have checked at least one stallion, a new toolbar
will appear at the bottom of the page and will remain while you scroll multiple pages of
search results. When you are ready to see the results, click the “compare” button.
Stallion fees displayed are supplied by the standing farm or researched by The Blood-Horse,
and are the most current data available.
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Showing Results 1 - 1
gr/ro, 2014, entered stud 2019, by Tapit - Appealing Zophie, by Successful Appeal